Preparing for Spring 2019

Welcome to my new gardening blog!

My goal with this blog, is to share my passion for growing food and for planting seeds, and watching them turn into food. I have been gardening off an on for many years, and in the past 3 years I have found myself taking my interest in growing food more seriously. As an amateur, I have had some successes and many failures along the way, but each year it has given me much joy.

Two years ago I discovered a community of gardeners online, on YouTube, and have learned so much from them. And now, instead of buying starts from the big box stores, I am now ordering seeds online, pouring through seed catalogs, and planning for the coming grow season. By week's end, I plan to start my first batch of seedlings and putting them in a grow box.

Last year, 2018, I was inspired by several gardening personalities to actually start seeds indoors with a grow light and that was the game changer for me! Within days, seeds sprouted, and I watched them take life and go from seeds to sprouts, to seedlings, to real plants. And by June, I was actually eating food from both plants on my deck to those grown  in garden beds in the ground. I even purchased a small easy-to-assemble raised bed and also had some success there. And so, for the first time, I went from a dabbler, to actually calling myself a gardener!

This year, I plan to expand my beds, and to take advantage of unused space in my backyard, and to really plan to have food for an extended growing season!

So I hope that some will join me as I venture into my restored passion for gardening, as I learn from others and share with you from time to time, as I learn we approach spring of 2019,  and as I am "growing my way!"
